Welcome to this weeks edition of W.o.W.

What’s on…..your windowsill this Wednesday?

Yes, I realize this is the same title as the last time that I did a W.o.W. post.  In fact, it’s been almost a year since I did my first one, but it IS different this summer!  

Got these glass jars at a garage sale for 50 cents each. I love jars. Empty or full.

Recognize the butterfly? It’s the same one from last summer. It’s been on my windowsill for almost a year now. My daughters cactus is still there, just a little bigger. It started to lean a little, so she propped it up with a fork. My glass bluebird, same. The jar closest to the cactus has an itty bitty white dove sitting on top.

This morning my daughter put the little blue fish bottle on the sill with a sprig of lavender from our backyard. I think the fish bottle belonged to my grandmother. I also have scripture and encouraging words taped up there and in the little frame. I enjoy washing dishes. It’s a great time to pray and meditate, so I like having something to read posted there. I need to change it up so that it doesn’t just become part of the scenery.

And last but not least, a tiny bird in a tiny ceramic nest.

It wasn’t planned, but each jar has something with wings perched on top of it. A good reminder to rise above the pull of the world.

Now, as someone who cleans houses for a living, I would not like to have to dust around this kind of clutter. But in my kitchen window it makes me smile, and I just live with the dust until I can’t bear it any longer.

What’s on your windowsill? Does it make you smile? Can you put something beautiful and encouraging on your windowsill?

One response to “Welcome to this weeks edition of W.o.W.

  1. Love you W.o.W. posts! They are so inspiring and just so darn cute! Love and hugs to All!!

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