Monthly Archives: September 2013

Birthday Fun!






What sweet blessings on my birthday! I love not having any expectations about what I want and watching how God comes in and blesses it!

Saturday morning the kiddos drove up to Starbucks and came back with a coffee and a SB gift card for me. Super sweeties!

My friend Patty gave me a SB gift card, and her sweet daughter made the super cute flower jewelry and headband. So fun!

My sweet brother, who never forgets a birthday, also sent me a SB gift card.

Saturday evening my oldest, Calvin, took the other kids to church for a wedding. I stayed home with our daughter Emily who was recovering from a bad infection in her leg. While the kids were gone I decided to enjoy a brownie. And everybody knows the best brownie comes from the center of the pan. Am I right?

God is the God of fun and surprises! What a fun day!

By the way, God answered our prayers and Emily’s leg is healing nicely.