Category Archives: These Days

Knitting, Working, and Playing












I’ve been learning how to knit.  I started out taking a six-week class, but after week two I suddenly found myself blessed with a full-time job so I had to quit the class.  I’m determined, so I have continued on using the book I got as part of the class.  It’s slow going sometimes, and I’m become an expert in un-knitting, but I love it!   Someday I hope to be able to knit like  Alicia Paulson .  I would totally wear that pink fair aisle sweater she knit for her adorable wee one, if it were my size.  Is that wrong? To be 40-ish and wanting a sweater like that? Oh, who cares! I’d do it!

After I made a meatloaf for the freezer and browned 8 pounds of ground beef to be separated into baggies and put into the freezer for future workday meals, I spent some time playing at taking pictures.  I just have so much fun with it.  My husband thinks I’m a bit strange about it though.

Later, we went to look at a house on some acreage.  Oh how I would love to be in the country. So peaceful. Beautiful. Silent.  Lots to photograph there.  I love the fern growing out of the back porch step.  The heart carved in the door. The tiny stained-glass window.  I just happened to see the horseshoe on my way back to the car.  Tomorrow we are going to actually walk through the house with a Realtor   It’s a fixer-upper for sure, but the foundation looked solid. At any rate, I’ll be taking more photos.